ComprehenSIVE and specialiSed corporate, regulatory and environmental compliance and risk mitigation advice. our principle consultancy areas: international business development, corporate management and construction and energy.


Whilst demand for the energy and natural resources continues to grow, creating new and challenging opportunities for this sector, a complex mix of economic, political, commercial and physical or technological issues generate sources of risk that require successful resolution. We have in-depth know-how of the energy and natural resources sector and complete understanding of the commercial, strategic, technicaland political factors that shape and impact this sector in Bolivia, and thus enabling us to provide innovative, customized interdisciplinary solutions that efficiently and cost effectively address the challenges faced by its clients.


From experience gained as in-house lawyers with major oil and gas operators we are well versed in the aspects of day-to-day operations and needs of such companies and specifically in advising on and preparation and negotiation of JOAs, Shareholders Agreements, Delivery Agreements, Farm-in and Farm-out, Operation and Services contracts, seismic and exploration activities contracts, drilling contracts and site access agreements.


In this area, we have broad perspective and experience that comes from advising all parties (operators and EPC, EPSCC and EPCM contractors as well as working and negotiating with major equipment suppliers and subcontractors and governments) involved in exploration and exploitation of natural resources and in dealing with standard form of contracts used in the industry (JCT, NEC, FIDIC, IChemE, and ICC).

We know that our clients’ needs vary throughout the lifespan of their projects, hence, we provide focused support at each project stage (from inception to completion) that covers preparation and advise on the complete package of documents, including:

  • Strategy and planning
  • Procurement and bidding
  • Contract drafting and negotiation for facilities and pipelines (tenders, letters of intent, main contracts, sub-contracts, consultants' appointments and standard or project-specifc collateral warranties)
  • Project financing
  • Construction, operation and maintenance issues
  • Post closure day-to-day matters
  • Refinancing, variations and disputes


The expanding framework of international and local HSE obligations has become increasingly complex, and companies are hard pressed to meet the ever-changing demands of legislators, regulators and industry.

In this area of our practice we advise our clients over the entire lifecycle of HSE compliance from initial analysis of applicable legislation and regulations though development of the necessary strategies, in-house tools or HSE compliance databases.


We specialise in analysis and definition of company and project specific risks and negotiation of the corresponding insurance policies. With regard to the insurance policies that are already in place we assist with preparation and negotiation of insurance claims.